
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Trying to use Windows Defender Offline after malware/adware virus infection

A couple weeks ago, my laptop was infected with a malware/adware virus. My virus program detected it & (supposedly) cleansed it. A week later the same symptoms from the malware appeared so I ran another scan and the same virus was detected & quarantined.  The symptoms continued. I ran another quick scan - no virus detected. i ran a complete scan - no virus detected. Still, the symptoms remain! I ran to Microsoft Security Scanner - no virus detected! I then downloaded Windows Defender Offline on a different clean laptop & burned an iso file onto a CD-R. After many hours of research & w/some help from my computer guru, I was abled to boot my laptop from this CD-R only to get the dreaded:
 This app can't be started.
Error: Unable to detect a Windows system drive. This could be due to missing drivers, an encrypted drive, or a corrupted Windows installation.
Error Code:0x8004cc01
I do not want to reload Windows, my laptop is kept up to date & it's for personal use, so I doubt the hard drive is encrypted. Here are the specicics
Dell Inspiron 7720 (17R Special Edition)
Intel  Core i7-3630QM CPU @2.4 Ghz
64-bit opsys/64-based processor
Windows 8.1
The virus is Win 32 - CouponRuc & it makes browsing the internet impossible due to constant pop-ups.
What is this error message & how do I get rid of this thing?!?!

Attack it with these. You might not need HitmanPro.
Remove Adware & PUPs with these tools. Check for updates first and then scan with each one at a time until your machine is clean.
Malwarebytes (Get the free version)

When offered, uncheck: Enable free trial of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.
HitmanPro (30 day free trial)

Some reading:

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